Thursday, June 5, 2008

At Bar M ChuckWagon

Today we ate at the most wonderful restaurant. It was called the Bar M Chuckwagon. It had a gunfight at 7, and they used ammo. (Just kidding) But they did shoot at each other with blanks, and the sheriff won, of course. He sent the bad guys to a boot hill grave, because they wouldn’t didn’t want to go to jail because it is always the same food, chicken or beef…just like the Bar M.

But it turns out the Bar M’s chicken and beef was pretty good. They also had really good potatoes, cake and lemonade. And I hear the coffee is good, but I didn’t try it because you had ten seconds to get back to the table with the coffee in a tin cup before it burnt your hand.

We camp in a campground with showers!

The Hole n The Rock

Because the water park in Moab is closed we decided to go to Hole N The Rock. It is a 5000 foot hole in the rock that was man made. The first part was a kitchen and dining room, and it was turned into a business called Hole N The Rock CafĂ©. Now it is just a museum. It didn’t have actual rooms other than the bathrooms. There was a bathtub in one of the bathrooms made out of cement by hand.

We also saw Arches National Park and Canyonland National Park. Plus, we got to see a jeep made out of license plates, bolts, and wrenches.

We are camping by some ruins in the middle of nowhere tonight! Good night…

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 3rd

…. .. (hi)

Today, we started at 8 am and drove to the WarHawk Air Museum in Nampa, Idaho. We got to talk to a guy (Jim Briggs) who was in the turret when his B29 came under fire in WW2 and it took great chunks out of under the turret where he was standing. Don’t worry, they landed in England, the only person that died on that mission was the pilot!

This is a picture of Jim Briggs uniform, and a picture of him while in the Air Force.

We also heard a Retired Colonel of the Air Force talking about our fighters.

The museum had a lot of uniforms (Army, Air Corp, Red Cross, Navy) from both World Wars. It even had a Civil Air Patrol uniform from WW2.

It also had a Faulker V5. (The plane the red baron drove?) But this one was blue!

The coolest thing was an old glider that was used in D Day to land airborne troops.

They also had a Ham CW Key, that said you could use it with morse code but mom wouldn’t let me!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On The Open Road Again....

Today is June 2nd of 2008. We went from Bend, Oregon to Fruitland, Idaho. We camped at an RV park behind a Shell station. We saw some different animals such as antelope, cows, bulls, and horses.

We drove somewhere around 300 miles, and it took a LONG time. We passed flat lands, hills, followed a river that led to a lake, we also went over Stinking Water Pass and Drinking Water Pass.

My call sign is KE7UCE and I will be on the scanning along the way, but will be on for certain between 6 pm (Mountain Time) and 8 pm (Mountain Time). We probably will be near Salt Lake City by that time.

(Dictated by Mac, typed by Mom)